
Sustainable Precision Agriculture

Application Technology And Data Analysis

Specialising in science and technology in the field of sustainable precision agriculture
Trusted data processing and analysis solutions

Data Integration

Mutus Tech designs and develops data integration systems for different types of data from multiple data sources. After the data is collected or received by the systems, it will be initially filtered and classified, and integrated into the target data warehouse. This is also a kind of data processing that can be fully automated. In addition, we have effective methods to ensure the security of data storage.

Data Processing

We process data in various fields for various needs. The processing includes data filtering and  cleaning, feature extraction and selection, data normalisation and standardisation, etc. We also develop data processing techniques for structured or unstructured data for various user needs.

Data Analysis

With state-of-the-art techniques and algorithms, Mutus Tech is fully capable of fulfilling the general needs of data analysis for all kinds of data. In addition, we have a deeper experience and knowledge of data analysis in some special fields, such as financial analysis on exchange data, NLP on social media data, and CV on various types of videos, and more.

Mutus Tech

In today’s Internet of Everything, data itself is an asset of an enterprise, and how to use it has become a high-priority issue. The core competitiveness of Mutus Tech is the use of advanced technologies and algorithms in the sector of data service including information collection, extraction, mining or analysing, visualisation and more, to customise the target data processing, and provide data analysis solutions for various information systems. The provided services can meet the various needs of users and fully mine the value of data, with big data processing functions, multi-threaded concurrency, artificial intelligence learning, task automation and other functions.

Technology @ Precision Agriculture

Farmer-centred Interoperable Mobile-Cloud System: Integrating Data from Farming Activities and Environmental Information for Sustainable Fertiliser Management

Providing a holistic approach to dealing with sustainable fertiliser management by developing a farmer-centred interoperable mobile-cloud system that offers access, collection, aggregation and analysis of multi-source (lifelogging daily farming activities and environmental information) to support timely delivery guideline and recommendation in fertilisation practices.

Integrating Visual and Context Information into a Mobile Intelligence Solution for Sustainable Management of Wheat Pests and Soil Health

The technical solution of integrating visual and contextual information with advanced data fusion techniques into a mobile wheat pest management solution that offers:

  • rapid detection and quantification of wheat pest by mobile devices;
  • efficient forecasting of accepted pest thresholds for sustainable management;
  • estimation of the corresponding efficacy of a pesticide for pest control.

Feasibility Analysis of Farmer-centered Mobile Intelligence for Sustainable Pest Management in China

The exploring of the feasibility of utilising mobile intelligence techniques as a cost-effective farmer-centred pest management solution with improved economic benefits and environmental sustainability in China. It relies on our existing deep learning based mobile wheat pest recognition technique developed in partnership with the University of Sheffield and China Academy of Sciences.